LG KF240 specifications
LG KF240comes with 2.0 inches TFT color screen LCD display(256K colors).
The resolution screen is 176 x 220 pixels.
It is a sliderGSM mobile phone.
LG KF240 operates on GSM 900 / 1800 / 1900 operating frequency.
It supports music & video player with multi format.
We have FM tuner with this gadget.
It has 2 megapixel digital Camera with LED flash and video recording support & digital zoom.
Works with alpha numeric Keypad.
We can browse with WAP browser with GPRS (Class 10 (4+1/3+2 slots), 32 – 48 kbps)connectivity.
Integrated memory space up to 20 MB.
Micro SD memory card slot is also available for external storage space up to 2GB.
The organiser option in LG KF240 includes world clock,voice recorder,calculator,unit converter,alarm etc.
Bluetooth(v2.0 with A2DP) connectivity with Micro USB port.
Java application is supported by this mobile.
Powered with standard Li-ion rechargeable battery.
Up to 3 hours of talk time.
Up to 200 hours of stand-by time.
Weighs 103 grams.
LG KF240 in India will be approx. Rs. 6,904
LG KF240 price in india-Rs. 6,904
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