Video Rating: 4 / 5
An unofficial video for the song "Keep You" by Class Actress. Footage is from "Anna" (1967) starring Anna Karina. The song is from the upcoming record "Rappr...
An unofficial video for the song "Keep You" by Class Actress. Footage is from "Anna" (1967) starring Anna Karina. The song is from the upcoming record "Rappr...
Fuck it I lied, it's drum 'n bass. What you gonna do?
If she ever visits Manchester, England....then PLEASE inform me!!!....I
will stay in my house that day....shes bad luck to have around!!!....bad
things seem to always happen if shes in the neighbourhood
I totally believe in false flags but these are OBVIOUSLY four different
women. "The most perfidious way of damaging a cause, consists in defending
it with deliberately faulty arguments."
This is One The Wizard had Missed!!!
Very Good to See Others are Aware.
We Need More People that Expose this Sh*t.
More People Brave Enough to Share!!!!
Shared publicly - 3:53 PM
Just thought you should know...
The only thing for people to WANT to believe...this dumb as
shit. Go out and change the world, quit sitting in a dank basement fearful
of imaginary evil. Real evil exists, its simple, and it continues because
crack pots would rather dream up silly events rather than see the world for
the horror that already exists. Perhaps that truth is so terrifying weak
people would rather invent this type of nonsense.
In reply to artalli, how can you say that this is not the same woman based
This IS the same woman, that Adriana Victoria Muñoz is gonna have to find
another job. The bitch.
WHY DOES YOUTUBE have CANCER these days!?!?!? WTF is wrong with this
gahdddamn site lately, and what FUCKWAD ENGINEERING NERDS have totally and
completely FUCKED IT UP so that it's PERMANENTLY FUCKING GOOOGGLE up its
GOOOOOGLY ASSSHOLE every FUCKING time I log in!??!?!! I think if I WANT to
use GOOOGHLEFUCK I'll use GOOGLEFUCK and if I want to use YOUTUBE ill use
are the ASSWADS that decided to change it in the FIRST PLACE!
GAHDAMMAN you fucking idiot managers / SHIT-COLLAR business-suit FUCKOS of
this website, really. Jerkoffs. Go FUCK yourselves in HELL and GAHD BLESS
MY SOUL to HEAVEN for saying so. :-)
Then again, of course, some "people" can't handle the truth. Pathetic,
they sure look like the same person except the fat one
totaly lookalike mistake !
This lying bitch should get an oscar award for all the fake flags she acts
in. Are people really this stupid and ignorant or just lazzy.
So maby dallasgoldbug is real ?
I can't really tell if she is the same...all those asians always look alike
to me...
well said
Now that shes caught hopefully she'll have an accident.
I believe in the crisis actor theory, but as a portrait artist I can tell
you these are not the same woman. Very very similar features, but not the
same. Ear lobes alone tell you. They're like finger prints.
Let me kind of sum it up like this...The GOOD are now AWAKENING to the weak
attempt of the EVIL to rule. The rules were written and agreed to long ago
and no matter how much they hope their sneaky little attempt will slip by
unnoticed it has NOT succeeded. The GOOD, POWERFUL MAJORITY have noticed
and these FALLEN SPIRITS fail as it has always been known and written. The
sleeping lion has awakened and their endless power is coming as they now
know! NO FEAR is now becoming the norm!!
What is becoming more and more obvious is that no matter how much time and
effort the Illuminati conspirators put into trying to deceive everybody
they are FAILING miserably. This is because even though they have control
of the mainstream media and many high offices they are the few and we are
the many and we all know now THEY WILL LOSE! They try to look like they are
many but the truth is coming out that they are only the petty few and the
battle they are fighting will FAIL MISERABLY!
Take the test and look at the pro-Illuminati agenda posters personal pages.
They are all pro-Hollywood teenyboppers trying to look intelligent. Their
comments have no validity whatsoever and is like listening to a punk rock
rapper after witnessing the true non-educated and non scientific comments.
Kind of like witnessing Sesame Street characters on CRACK!
Look at JediGrind, ArcticYT1 & marymullis9 posts are all in support of the
Illuminatis crimes and when you look at their sites and posts the one and
only thing they all have in common is that they ALL SUPPORT THE ILLUMINATI
AGENDA and needless to say they are all uneducated fool that are very
complicit in these crimes which include murder of innocent children. They
all think they will rule at Satans side for selling their souls but their
real fate is their service will be under his feet.
There is no doubt this is the same person no matter how many Illuminati
Hollywood promoters try to say it is not. It is getting very old now
watching what they do and who they are that do it. Every person here trying
to deny she is the same person is an uneducated fan of the Illuminati
Hollywood. Every known Illuminati celebrity is who the endorse at their
page. They are all uneducated teens trying to play expert & failing
miserably. Take a look at their sites.They are all the same! It gets old
Bottom teeth are different.
Jesus, was this made by an Asian to show how all white people look alike or
what? Cause these are all clearly different women..
she hesitates alot; listen to the cues in the way she presents the
information. Definately the same woman. Notice how she stands with only 1
side facing and seems like she is making a conscious effort to keep her
head turned. Also, funny how every witness (every scene), she usually has
glasses on. How is it that a brunette woman with a big nose and lips she
tries to suck back into her face (in at least 2 videos), always wearing
If you listen to her words; she often uses certain phrases in each clip to
describe the people. "you know" like that
Facial recognition and voiceprint programs could ID this slag and other
crisis actors more accurately.
does the dude get the chick?
Dat song is sick but with this footage is a masterpiece!
On repeat.
this brings back a memory from 2011, when i watched The Beautiful Person
and wanted to make a music video of this song out of the movie.
Finally decided tonight to click on the uploader of that one music video I
really liked. This guy is fantastic.
amo amo amo amo amo por siempre este vídeo, esta canción
Awesome video and fun song.
I got David Dean Burkhart, the creator of this video and a bunch of
wonderful others, to appear in a cameo role in my student film, Visitation
Hours. Check it out on my page if you get the chance! He appears around the
middle of the movie....
best thing I found lately!!!!
Back at it once again with your weekly music variety.
This week, I bring you a new artist to my collection: Class Actress
Artist of the week 12-12-2011: Class Actress
Song - Keep you
someone in my circles already posted something by the artist and i try
avoid repeating like that but this is some hardcore #SynthPop that must be
song 4 of ??? for 7-18-12
Found this great tune and thought i'd share it with you all hope your
I want to keep you in my
Your song of the day.
Song of the day.
Class Actress - Keep You
// Class Actress is an irresistible mix of 80s synth-pop, dance floor beats
and seductive melodies. In other words, a perfect song for the friday
night! //
Great tune and very well made amateur video...
Currently a favourite track of mine, not an official video but it's still
Reminding me of Starfucker - - in a good
For all the Classy Ladies Here On G+ this Ones 4 U
still love this song
Song of the day.
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