Full uncensored interview with Zosia Mamet (Girls), Mayim Bialik (Big Bang Theory), Kristen Bell (House of Lies), Jessica Walter (Arrested Development), Kait... Video Rating: 4 / 5
Alex James
'Dying is easy, comedy is hard' that's not true! Both drama and comedic actors have to deliver their lines! You are all performers! And because you've been cast mostly in comedic roles! it could prove that you don't deliver lines as a drama actress well.
I really have to disagree with what Betty White said about complaining. It is complainers who change things for the better. With that type of reasoning, people who voice out that older women in Hollywood don't get good roles as much are "complaining". It was also an unnecessary dig towards Mayim (who I love). She old so people have to be nice to her. Sigh.
I did watch the whole thing, it was directed directly at her because she too is a young actress and the comment was said right after Mayim's "crying" statement but it also to everyone there. They were all complaining about what comes to being a celebrity and blah blah blah. And that is why they all felt they needed to agree with Betty and share how they deal with it. I mean everything Mayim complained about was agreed with by the other young actresses or has been said by many other celebrities.
Yeah, no. Watch the whole thing. Mayim "complained" about the downsides of being a celeb a few times. Mayim played into Betty's comment because it was clearly a dig at her.
but what Mayim just finished saying wasn't really a complaint. she just said it's the silence that kills her, at the moment it sucks and how it drives her to keep going. Betty just changed the topic to ungrateful people, Mayim just played along and joked.
Re-watch it. Betty obviously got irritated with Mayim's attitude toward Hollywood/her job and all that comes along with it at 32:00 and even Mayim caught on to it.
but i hate that she has a hard time because of the way she looks especially considering i don't think the other two actresses on the big bang theory are any more attractive than her (kaley and that short blond)
'Dying is easy, comedy is hard' that's not true! Both drama and comedic
actors have to deliver their lines! You are all performers! And because
you've been cast mostly in comedic roles! it could prove that you don't
deliver lines as a drama actress well.
Jessica Walter is a great actress but as a person she seems like an
arrogant bitch. Maybe the cuts in the interview made it seem that way.
I really have to disagree with what Betty White said about complaining. It
is complainers who change things for the better. With that type of
reasoning, people who voice out that older women in Hollywood don't get
good roles as much are "complaining". It was also an unnecessary dig
towards Mayim (who I love). She old so people have to be nice to her. Sigh.
Betty White on The Shield: "What a fun show!" Haha!
Kaitlin Olson is the best!
I was LITERALLY about to make the same comment. Haha.
LMAO 47:30 Kaitlyn olson telling Kristen Bell she took it too far with Game
of thrones
neither of those tables are round.
"I had, like, LITERALLY the same experience." No, you LITERALLY didn't.
Kate Olson seems nice which is so weird considering her character!
Wasn't too funny for being the comedy roundtable... I'm looking at you,
Zosia scares the hell out of me. Like she will kill you in your sleep.
It's like they intentionally separated the blondes and the brunettes.
The worst of the bunch - Mayim - was the only one that was nominated. Sad.
Actually, Betty's show is pretty awful, too.
I did watch the whole thing, it was directed directly at her because she
too is a young actress and the comment was said right after Mayim's
"crying" statement but it also to everyone there. They were all complaining
about what comes to being a celebrity and blah blah blah. And that is why
they all felt they needed to agree with Betty and share how they deal with
it. I mean everything Mayim complained about was agreed with by the other
young actresses or has been said by many other celebrities.
Yeah, no. Watch the whole thing. Mayim "complained" about the downsides of
being a celeb a few times. Mayim played into Betty's comment because it was
clearly a dig at her.
but what Mayim just finished saying wasn't really a complaint. she just
said it's the silence that kills her, at the moment it sucks and how it
drives her to keep going. Betty just changed the topic to ungrateful
people, Mayim just played along and joked.
Kaitlin and Kristen<3 Zosia is annoying.
Re-watch it. Betty obviously got irritated with Mayim's attitude toward
Hollywood/her job and all that comes along with it at 32:00 and even Mayim
caught on to it.
but i hate that she has a hard time because of the way she looks especially
considering i don't think the other two actresses on the big bang theory
are any more attractive than her (kaley and that short blond)
what parts did you think were bitchy was it her whole thing about being
grateful to have a job
I don't know if someone tells them where to sit, but honestly, I would be
sitting so close to (probably hugging) Betty White
I have a girl crush on Mayim Bialik. <3
"I'm gonna watch netflix while i eat nutflicks' lmfao lmfao betty white is
the funniest person ever
I know right. I'm truly impressed. What a great interviewer. She does her
research as well.
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